More detailed history to come!

As part of the Clubs “25th anniversary” in 2022, research was commenced to more fully document the history of the football club. The process has unearthed many findings, including many which have resulted in the updating of many of the Club Honour Boards. The findings also highlight the highs and lows that have existing throughout the duration of the Clubs existence. The single biggest finding that has been unveiled in the research process so far is that the Club, as it today, is actually older than was previously acknowledged within the Club (being Incorporated in 1994 rather than the previously recognised 1997). Consequently, 2022 was not actually the 25th anniversary for the Club.

Below are some of the key moments in the timeline of the Club history (a more detailed version of the Club history will be documented in the future based on the research findings).

  • 1986

    • Mal Campbell & Ian McDermott instigated the beginnings of an Australian Rules Club in the Hornsby Heights area, after their children no longer wanted to play soccer, and they rallied the support of others in the local community. The advice they received in relation to establishing a new club, was that the most streamlined approach was to become a section of an existing sports club in the area.
  • 1987

    • The Australian Rules Football Division (or Section) of the Hornsby Heights Sports Club Inc was formed, where is known as “Hornsby Heights Sports Club Aussie Rules” or “Hornsby Heights Australian Rules Club”.
    • The uniform worn by the Hornsby Heights Sports Club Aussie Rules was a green guernsey with an orange sash with green shorts (socks varied over the years from orange to green).
    • The first home ground of the Club was at Hornsby Heights Public School.
    • The first game played by the Club was at Headon Park, Westleigh v Westbrook.


  • 1989/90

    • Around this time, the Club approached Hornsby Council regarding seeking ground allocation at Rofe Park, which was granted and this saw Australian Rules Football played at Rofe Park for the first time. The ground was shared with the Soccer Division of the Hornby Heights Sports Club Inc.
  • 1994

    • In November 1994, a decision was made to form a new club being Hornsby District Junior Australian Football Club Inc. The minutes from the meeting leading to the establishment of a new club indicate that the new club wanted to have no further association with Hornsby Heights Sports Club Inc. It is reported that the Hornsby Heights Sports Club was not particularly supportive of the Australian Rules Division (some even going as far as to say they were against having an Australian Rules Division at all). Further reports suggest that there were some “financial discrepancies” within the Hornsby Heights Sports Club which led to the decisions to form a new club.


  • 1995

    • First season as Hornsby District Junior Australian Football Club, playing in jerseys with broad blue, yellow and red vertical bands with red shorts and socks.
    • Whilst the Club was called the Eagles, no Eagle appeared on jerseys and documentation from this time indicated use of the term Eagles in association with the club was rare.
    • Later the Club was simply referred to as Hornsby Eagles (despite the official Club name being Hornsby District Junior Australian Football Club – which it still is today!)
  • 2007

    • New club jerseys and for the first time with an Eagle appearing on it.


  • 2009

    • Name change from Hornsby Eagles to Hornsby Berowra Eagles to better reflect the area served by the Club.
    • First Club Premiership – U11 team
  • 2012

    • Greater Sydney Junior AFL Club of the Year


  • 2013

    • Greater Sydney Junior AFL Club of the Year
  • 2015

    • Commencement of girls training initiative with Pennant Hills & Westbrook Junior AFL Clubs


  • 2016

    • Inaugural season for the North West Lightning Girls teams (alliance with Pennant Hills & Westbrook Junior AFL Clubs)
  • 2018

    • New Club jerseys in their current design


  • 2022

    • Sydney Harbour Junior AFL Club of the Year

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