If you are looking to register your child/ren for AUSKICK (girls & boys born 2018 – 2020) please click here.
Registration for the 2025 season are open! Click the button above to register your child/ren!
The 2025 season will commence on 6 April 2025 & run through until mid-late August (exact dates depending on teams making finals and any end of season gala days).
The above link is to be used for any girls or boys looking to play in a junior football team (this includes girls looking to play in a North West Lightning team).
Registration Fees
$225 for all girls & boys playing in u8 – u17 teams.
Family Discount
A discount of 20% will be automatically applied to subsequent children registered through the same parent PlayHQ account i.e. the 1st child will be at full fee as above and 2nd, 3rd & subsequent children will have a 20% discount applied. Discounts apply to children registered in junior football teams only & do not apply to children registered for Auskick.
Playing Up Age Groups (HBE teams only)
All boys (or girls looking at playing in a mixed HBE team) will be automatically allocated to their true age group (being the age they turn in 2025). If your child would like to play up an age group as their primary team (perhaps to play with friends or if they previously played up an age-group), you will need to complete the following REQUEST TO PLAY-UP FORM which will be reviewed by our Football Operations Committee. Requests will not be assessed until 10 February 2025 at the earliest & the Football Operations Committee will advise the outcome of the request. Players will be able to play up provided there is room in teams & contingent on the reason/s given. There are also limitations set by the Sydney Junior AFL By-Laws which restrict players playing up age-groups in certain circumstances. Any questions regarding playing up age groups, should be directed to Steve Wall on the details below.
If you have a child of u7 age (i.e. born in 2018) that wants to play in an u8 HBE team or u9 NWL girls team, please contact registrar@hornsbyberowraeagles.com to discuss this. The registration platform will not automatically allow children of this age to register for junior football.
Special Note Regarding U17 Boys (boys born 2008-2009)
Unfortunately, it has become clear that we will not be in a position to field our own U17 boys Hornsby Berowra Eagles team in 2025. Whilst this is disappointing, many other clubs across Sydney face the same situation. As such many “alliances” exist between various clubs. We would help find solutions for any player looking to play in an U17 boys team. It would seem that the best options for this for the 2025 season are with Pennant Hills/Westbrook or with the North Shore Swans. We encourage players to register with out club via the link above (especially if you have previously registered with Hornsby Berowra Eagles) & we can look to arrange the relevant season permits with either Pennant Hills/Westbrook or North Shore Swans. For queries relating to this age-group or to advice which alliance your son would like to play in for the 2025 season, please contact Steve Wall on president@hornsbyberowraeagles.com or 0425 359 745.
The club welcomes players transferring from other clubs. There is a process that needs to be followed regarding transfers, as well as some limitations & restrictions, as set out by the AFL. The club with which the player previously played, will need to approve the transfer, so it is courteous to advise them of the intention to transfer. The transfer window for the 2025 season opens on 1 November 2024, so you can go about registering them at our club. Once you register, the registration will be pending until such time that the transfer is approved (which needs to be done by the departing club, our club and also by Sydney AFL Juniors; so the process can take a little time.
Should you have any queries regarding transfers, please contact our club registrar Aaron Wallin at registrar@hornsbyberowraeagles.com
Sponsored Players/Financial Hardship – We want all children in our region to have the option of playing football regardless of circumstance. If your family is experiencing financial hardship or other barriers making it difficult to register your child/ren, please reach out to the our Registrar (Aaron Wallin) or President (Steve Wall) on the details below to confidentially discuss your situation, such that we can offer appropriate assistance and make playing football a reality for as many children as possible.
Queries – if you have any registration related queries, please direct them to our club registrar (Aaron Wallin) via the details listed below.
Club Contacts
Registrar – Aaron Wallin registrar@hornsbyberowraeagles.com 0466 579 656
President – Steve Wall president@hornsbyberowraeagles.com 0425 359 745
Vice President/Communications Co-ordinator – Brendan Limbrey admin@hornsbyberowraeagles.com 0408 219 187