Please see the table below as a reference as to which age group your child/ren can play in for the 2025 season. Children are eligible to play in the age group corresponding to the age group they turn in 2025 e.g. a child turning 11 in 2025, is considered to be of U11 age.

Year BornBoysGirls
2018AuskickAuskick (or if turning 7 on or prior to 31 July, they are eligible to play in an U9 Girls Only Team -see below for more info)

(Alternatively if particularly wanted, these children can participate in Auskick although you will need to contact our Auskick Co-ordinator to make arrangements to allow registration in Auskick)

U9 Girls Only Team (it is also possible to play in a mixed U8 team with the boys, although we encourage girls to participate in the girls only teams – please contact if your daughter wants to play in a Hornsby Berowra mixed U8 team)

(Alternatively if particularly wanted, these children can participate in Auskick although you will need to contact our Auskick Co-ordinator to make arrangements to allow registration in Auskick)


* Please note that Hornsby Berowra Eagles will not be able to field our own U17 team this year. Any boy who wishes to participate with Pennant Hills/Westbrook or the North Shore Swans will be granted a season permit to play in either of these teams. Registration should be made with our club & then advise Steve Wall which club you would like to be season permitted to on


* Please note that Hornsby Berowra Eagles will not be able to field our own U17 team this year. Any boy who wishes to participate with Pennant Hills/Westbrook or the North Shore Swans will be granted a season permit to play in either of these teams. Registration should be made with our club & then advise Steve Wall which club you would like to be season permitted to on


Playing Up Age Groups

All boys (or girls looking at playing in a mixed HBE team) will be automatically allocated to their true age group (being the age they turn in 2025). If your child would like to play up an age group as their primary team (perhaps to play with friends or if they previously played up an age-group), you will need to complete the following REQUEST TO PLAY-UP FORM which will be reviewed by our Football Operations Committee. Requests will not be assessed until 10 February 2025 & the Football Operations Committee will advise the outcome of the request. Players will be able to play up provided there is room in teams & contingent on the reason/s given. There are also limitations set by the Sydney Junior AFL By-Laws which restrict players playing up age-groups in certain circumstances. Any questions regarding playing up age groups, should be directed to Steve Wall on 0425 359 745 or

Any girls looking to play up age groups should direct these queries to

Special Notes

  • For more info & to register for Auskick, click here
  • If your child is born after 2020 & is interested in Auskick, please contact our Auskick Co-ordinators to discuss your options as they are unable to register.
  • For any age group U9 – U17, click here for further information & to register.
  • For further information specific to girls football, click here.
  • Girls age groups span 2 years. E.g. Girls U11s covers girls of U10 & U11 age. The slight exception is the U9 competition, which includes not only girls of U8 & U9 age, but girls turning 7 before the end of July (i.e. born on or prior to 31 July 2018).
  • There is no U16 boys age group, meaning it jumps from U15s to U17s in boys competitions. This explains why boys born in both 2008 & 2009 are eligible for this age group.